This websites is a property of Infoskaters Technologies Pvt Ltd, All data provide by including all content, articles, videos are unique, some of article is a contribute by a group of individuals or contributors in the form of guest posting. if you need more information on this websites you may direct contact us on
This websites provides part time promotion jobs that can be done from home. we don’t provide any guarantee or warranty of our jobs. Also we are hiring part time workers as a freelancer workers. we are clearly declared that Jobs Subscriber Earning is total depend on their work performance. We don’t Provide any payment if we found incorrect promotional work according to our payment Term of Condition.
This websites use sponsorship, Cash advertising or any ad media advertisements, we make earning from affiliate marketing.
We may Promote any affiliate program or Affiliate link into our article and we believe it will provide useful data to the visitor of In never put any note or remarks for an Affiliate link.
The admin or will never compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. ad found in ,third party advertising in our websites or any PPC advertising are not belong to .
Note:- It is not to be mistaken with dubious fly-by-night operators, or any Get Rich Quick Scheme.
The reason for collecting the Registration fees is for Consultancy Charge + Online Training + Account activation + Account maintenance + Online Support a complete support like phone support, chat support, email support and also for cross checking payments, the members registered to website every month and collection expenses to collect payment from client.
While our 30-day refund policy aims to provide candidates with a risk-free learning experience, we also need to safeguard our services from fraud and ensure that our efforts are not misused or copied, which could result in us not being compensated for our work.
Additional reasons for denied refunds
We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to limit or deny refund requests in cases where we believe there is refund abuse, including but not limited to the following:
• A significant portion of the course has been consumed or downloaded by a student before the refund was requested.
• At least Rs.1000 should be earned from the referral and sales.
• To grasp the process effectively, attending daily classes for two hours is highly recommended.
• Refund will be considered only if the request is made within 30 days of placing the order.
• If you create a profile, you'll get your refund as credit in your Infoskaters wallet, not as cash.
if you have more queries , then please feel free to contact us.